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Re: [engelang] Xorban: Termsets

What if... instead of introducing foretrees and aftertrees, we were to
make he and hi full-fledged formulas (somewhat like Lojban's selma'o
GOhA)? Something like:

sentence := formula | CA # formula | WA

formula := HA | CCA | NA # formula | LA # formula # formula

# := (CA # formula | WA)*

Full-fledged he/hi would not be exactly equivalent to fore/after-tree
he/hi, but for basic cases they would work in the same way. The
formula they stand for would have to be the one from the
following/preceding sentence (not including the illocutionary
operator), so we could say things like:

cu xgja'a? ci hi!
Am I hungry? I am!

as well as things like:

je la mlta he la grka na he le fnpe nlcake
The cat does and the dog doesn't, like fish.

And perhaps:

mlta je sa hi he na ra hi he xkra
Cats, some are but not all are, black.


co ma'a xrxe