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Re: [engelang] Xorban: Termsets

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:55 PM, Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:
I should probably wait before sending this lest I see any other mistakes, but I think this will be the last for the evening. 

As I predicted, I made a mistake, namely of making the IllocOp optional in the explicit sentence production.  I thought I was done, but I looked at the rules this morning and thought of other ways of doing things.  Here are some thoughts:

I am starting to dislike the idea of explicit-sentences (let's just call them parentheticals, or Ps for short) being part of the productions of the basic words.  That makes it impossible to think about simple things like "coordinators" without keeping the optional parentheticals in the back of one's mind.  As seen, it also causes a problem with afterthoughts that wouldn't occur otherwise.  I think that parentheticals should be introduced in the middle of the productions of constituents.  This would add verbosity to the rules, but it might also add clarity and common sense on balance. 

I would write all nonterminal symbols in camelcase and all terminals lowercase.

Sorry for all the long posts which amount to me thinking out loud on the thread.  Here's what I think looks pretty good, is grammatically unambiguous, and includes all three types of tree-like constructs:

Sentence := P | Formula

P[arenthetical] := IllocutionaryOperator Interjection? Formula | Interjection

Formula := CoreFormula | ForeTree P? Formula | Formula AfterTree

ForeTree := he | Term P? ForeTree | Coordinator P? ForeTree P? ForeTree

AfterTree := hi | Term P? AfterTree | Coordinator P? AfterTree P? AfterTree

CoreFormula := SimpleFormula | Term P? CoreFormula

Term := UnaryOperator | ComplexBinder P? Formula | Coordinator P? Formula

ComplexBinder := Binder | BinderCoordinator P? (UnaryOperator P?)* Binder P? (UnaryOperator P?)* Binder

BinderCoordinator := he'e | he'a | he'o

SimpleFormula := ( C C C* | q ( C? V? )* q ) Desinence

UnaryOperator := ( b | f | d | m | n ) Desinence

Binder := ( l | r | s | x | g ) Desinence

Coordinator := j Desinence

IllocutionaryOperator := c Desinence

Interjection := w Desinence

Desinence := V (k V)*

V := ( a | e | i | o | u ) ( ‘ V )?

C := b | c | d | f | g | j | k | l | m | n | p | r | s | t | v | x | z

. . .

co ma'a mke

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