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Sorry for all the long posts which amount to me thinking out loud on the thread. Here's what I think looks pretty good, is grammatically unambiguous, and includes all three types of tree-like constructs:
Sentence := P | Formula
P[arenthetical] := IllocutionaryOperator Interjection? Formula | Interjection
Formula := CoreFormula | ForeTree P? Formula | Formula AfterTree
ForeTree := he | Term P? ForeTree | Coordinator P? ForeTree P? ForeTree
AfterTree := hi | Term P? AfterTree | Coordinator P? AfterTree P? AfterTree
CoreFormula := SimpleFormula | Term P? CoreFormula
Term := UnaryOperator | ComplexBinder P? Formula | Coordinator P? Formula
ComplexBinder := Binder | BinderCoordinator P? (UnaryOperator P?)* Binder P? (UnaryOperator P?)* Binder
BinderCoordinator := he'e | he'a | he'o
SimpleFormula := ( C C C* | q ( C? V? )* q ) Desinence
UnaryOperator := ( b | f | d | m | n ) Desinence
Binder := ( l | r | s | x | g ) Desinence
Coordinator := j Desinence
IllocutionaryOperator := c Desinence
Interjection := w Desinence
Desinence := V (k V)*
V := ( a | e | i | o | u ) ( ‘ V )?
C := b | c | d | f | g | j | k | l | m | n | p | r | s | t | v | x | z