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Re: [engelang] Xorban: Termsets

I would like to make two clarifications.

One: The Idea Was *Parallel* Termsets

I wish I had said this upfront, because it's a key point.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 7:11 PM, Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:

The syntax allows sequential TSSs, but disallows TSSs inside TSs. Variant syntaxes with TSSs inside TSs are possible if something that insane is desired.

That was an overstatement.  There could be times when you have three TSs like:

(1) ne'e TS1a&2a TS1b  [ne]  ne'e TS1a&2a TS2b ne  TS3 ne

in which the first part of two of them are the same subTS, and it's not insane to want to have something like:

(2) ne'e TS1a&2a no'e TS1b ne TS2b ne TS3 ne

in which "no'e" coordinates two subTSs.  When I said "insane" I just meant that things could get complicated, so I decided for the sake of simplicity that these operators would treat the TSs strictly in _parallel_, and never in series.  As shown previously, _sequential_ TS structures would be allowed, but they'd occur in discrete parts of a sentence.

Besides wanting to keep things simple, another reason that I decided on parallel TSs was the idea that "ne" could be elided if immediately followed by a TS operator, as shown in (1). 

Two: Pseudo-Production Rules

=> la ma djna ne’a ne’e (le nnle li crdi ne) (le nxle li ckti ne) ne’e (le nnle li ckti ne) (le nxle li crdi ne) dndakike

The second "ne" is an example where elidability is tricky to make a rule for, so I am now going to change tracks and suggest that we get rid of that idea.  Instead, let's look at "ne" as a mandatory place holder for the trailing function.  By this change "ne'e" would act much more like "je" than it would in the original idea.  That will allow serial TSs as well, which may be useful in some cases.  The pseudo-production rules are:

termset-structure :=  termset-coordinator termset termset
termset-coordinator := "ne'e" | "ne'a" | "ne'o"
termset := termset-delimiter | termset-structure | term termset
termset-delimiter := "ne"
term := modifier

Mind you, all TSS modifiers are formally unary operators.  Those productions are ONLY for illustrating the idea.  Nevertheless, the TSS is the only production here that belongs in a sentence.  I have other ideas, but I'm going to stop and wait for feedback.  I hope this clarifies my idea.

co ma'a mke