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Re: [engelang] reformulating the core grammar

Jorge Llamb�as, On 09/10/2012 03:36:
On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 11:56 PM, John E. Clifford<kali9putra@hidden.email>  wrote:

Not obviously, since the nodes have no recognizable syntactic value, but
are only stages to a phonological string.

The nodes of the syntactic part of the grammar have obviously
recognizable syntactic value.

What is the syntactic value? Do the nodes have constant semantic interpretation not wholly derived from their constituents? Do they serve to state otherwise unstatable patterns in the concatenations of forms?

There are two separate issues, here, I think. One is whether the "syntactic" part of the grammar is pure phonology, or whether it is syntax miscast as phonology: should we accept its phonologicality and hence doubt its syntacticality, or should we accept its syntacticality and hence repudiate its claimed phonologicality? The other issue is the rationale for exocentric phrases.
