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Word classes, each phonologically distinct, though their forms are not decided.
predicates (each of fixed adicity, though this important feature is not, apparently, to be marked)Well, not necessarily, although we would have to have rules for dealing with excess or deficit. The point is that if we simply take the number that appear as the correct number, there is no necessary connection then with the dictionary specification. We can do this by referring to the dictionary for each case, of course, but an overt marker would be shorter processing.
It's marked by the number of variables that appear, no?
names (any phonemic string enclosed in audible quotes. these are ranked with predicates and are either monadic -- in which case no naming operator is needed -- or medadic -- in which case, they enter formula only as complements to the naming operator)You seem to be separating m (or whatever the realization will be) from the quotation predicates (names). I still don't understand how m is supposed to work.The "mV {formula}" naming convention provides a place for a required variable immediately after the m. Therefore I think that we have to call it a monad.
a predicate maker followed by a variable followed by a formula (in the case of naming, followed by a name) (variable remains bound or free as before)
a binary propositional connective followed by two formulas (binding and freedom remain unchanged)
a quantifier followed by a variable followed by two formulas (free occurrences of the indicated variable in the complements are now bound by this quantifier, as is the indicated variable, otherwise bondage and freedom are unchanged. Well, the situation of bound occurrences of the indicated variable in the complements is up for discussion)
I agree, but the discussion of binding is either incomplete or in flux so that other approaches might be used (l overriding internal s, for example).
IMHO: A quantifier does not affect already bound variables under its scope. In other words, inner bindings take precedence over outer ones.
a speech act indicator followed by a formula (binding and freedom unchanged) this is also called a sentence.
any of the above with interjections before, between or after mentioned components (not between predicate makers or quantifiers and their variables).
I haven't touched on termsets because a) I am not through absorbing the going model and comparing it with my sketches and 2) I think any static description is bound to be inadequate and/or misleading, while only logic to language transformations will cover the possibilities (the lack of these in Lojban is yet another reason why the Lojban to logic translations are so non-trivial, if not non-existent).
But an essential bit of sugar for a successful language. The need to say everything over and over is a major flaw in logical systems for use as languages. That is, we need to have them but exactly how to express them and how to build the rules for constructing them is a trickier matter. MY notes are simple but incomplete and getting prolix, your appear less prolix but much more complex -- I haven't worked on completeness yet.
The "term tree" proposals still up in the air enable straightforward rewritings of the logical forms that we already have, extracting an otherwise repeated (possibly long) predication from one or more clauses and applying it distributively once. They're syntactic sugar, nothing more.