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Re: [engelang] reformulating the core grammar

And Rosta scripsit:

> Mike S., On 01/10/2012 18:19:
> > Binding a variable to nothing, particularly when the restriction
> > says nothing as in "sa bbbe ...", is unsettling, though "sa bbba
> > ccce" is probably not so terrible as to be worth the trouble of
> > fixing.
> It's as easy to prohibit it as to allow it.

Prohibiting it, however, means that certain reasoning steps permitted by
ordinary FOPL cannot be represented in Xorban without ungrammaticality.
In particular, given a well-formed formula of predicate logic, it is
always possible to prefix it by a quantifier binding any variable,
whether or not that variable is free in the formula.  IMHO, what is
possible in FOPL should be possible in Xorban.

But you, Wormtongue, you have done what you could for your true master.  Some
reward you have earned at least.  Yet Saruman is apt to overlook his bargains.
I should advise you to go quickly and remind him, lest he forget your faithful
service.  --Gandalf             John Cowan <cowan@hidden.email>