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Re: [engelang] Xorban Development

On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 1:30 PM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:
> "You read more books than me"
> la le ckte xi clrake knceki zmda'ake'eka
> (knc- agentless kancu, x1 are x2 in number)

Different orders are also possible (should clr be tcd?):

le ckte la xi knceki tcdake zmde'eka'aka
"Books, how many of them one reads, you surpass me in that."


la zmde'eka'aka le ckte xi knceki tcdake
What you surpass me as is in books how many of them one reads.


la zmde'eka'aka le tcdake xi knceki ckte
What you surpass me as is in books how many of them one reads.

> "The tree is taller than the house"
> la trca li zdni lu smu xo smo gltmrluko
> (gltmrl = x1 is x2 amount tall [I think that shd be basic meaning of glt])

You're missing a "zmdakiku", and one of the "sm" should be removed:

 la trca li zdni lu xo smo gltmrluko zmdakiku
The tree-A, the house-I, whatever one is as tall as-O, A exceeds I as O.


la trca li zdni lu xo gltmrluko smo zmdakiku
The tree-A, the house-I, being however tall one is-O, A exceeds I as O.

mu'o mi'e xorxes