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On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 1:30 PM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote: > > "You read more books than me" > la le ckte xi clrake knceki zmda'ake'eka > (knc- agentless kancu, x1 are x2 in number) Different orders are also possible (should clr be tcd?): le ckte la xi knceki tcdake zmde'eka'aka "Books, how many of them one reads, you surpass me in that." Or: la zmde'eka'aka le ckte xi knceki tcdake What you surpass me as is in books how many of them one reads. Or: la zmde'eka'aka le tcdake xi knceki ckte What you surpass me as is in books how many of them one reads. > "The tree is taller than the house" > la trca li zdni lu smu xo smo gltmrluko > (gltmrl = x1 is x2 amount tall [I think that shd be basic meaning of glt]) You're missing a "zmdakiku", and one of the "sm" should be removed: la trca li zdni lu xo smo gltmrluko zmdakiku The tree-A, the house-I, whatever one is as tall as-O, A exceeds I as O. Or: la trca li zdni lu xo gltmrluko smo zmdakiku The tree-A, the house-I, being however tall one is-O, A exceeds I as O. mu'o mi'e xorxes