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Re: [engelang] Xorban Development

Jorge Llamb�as, On 27/08/2012 03:53:
On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 9:34 PM, And Rosta<and.rosta@hidden.email>  wrote:

The difference between predicates and operators
is only syntactic; operators are a kind of abbreviation of predicates.

Let's see:

"na bra" could be an abbreviation of "le brafe jtfe".

"je bra cre" could be an abbreviation of "li brafi lo crefo knxiko"
(using "knxiko":"i and o are both true" instead of the less useful
Lojban definition of "kanxe"). Similarly for other connectives.

Yes. Or "ri lo brafo lu crefu xxxikoku jtni", where for xxxikoku, i is a set and the following args are its members, "each member of {brafo, crefu} is the case".
"ra bra cra" could be an abbreviation of "la bra le cre mnake", "the
br's are among the cr's".

Or, to take a different strategy, unrestricted quantifiers could be "x% of bindings for ce'u-type formula y yield a result that is the case", "x% of bound-versions of formula y are the case". Restricted quantification: "x% of things with property y have property z". For this you'd need somethings like a ce'u quantifier, e.g. "qa xkra", "property of being black".


sa bra cra
= na ra bra na cra
= na ra bra le crafe jtfe
= na li bri lo le crofe jtfe mniko
= lu li bri lo le crofe jtfe mnikofu jtfu
"it is false that the br's are among the things of which it is false
that the cr's are among"

Certainly worth having the abbreviation there. :)

Indeed. It'd be good to expand the use of these abbreviations, because they're conciser. E.g. if variable "oi" means "bound by complement predication", "I believe there's fire" could be "jnva'akoi sa sma fgra".
I don't think that "la bra cra" could be an abbreviation of anything,
since (in our grammar so far) we can't have sentences without
variables, and we can't have meaning with unbound variables, so we
need at least one primitive binder.

Yes, tho you could get away with q as the sole binder, ce'u-like.
