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Jorge Llamb�as, On 27/10/2012 17:50:
In English we can say: (E1) I believe that the book is on the table. (E2) I see that the book is on the table. (E3) I believe and see that the book is on the table. In Lojban we can do (1) and (2), and we have a terribly weird way of doing (3): (L1) mi krici lo du'u lo cukta cu cpana lo jubme (L2) mi viska lo nu lo cukta cu cpana lo jubme (L3) mi lo du'u ja nu lo cukta cu cpana lo jubme cu krici gi'e viska In Xorban we can do all 3 normally as in English: (X1) la fa le ckte li jbmi cpneki krca'aka (X2) la fa le ckte li jbmi cpneki vska'aka (X3) la fa le ckte li jbmi cpneki je krca'aka vska'aka There doesn't seem to be any good reason to follow Lojban on this.
L2 is a poor rendition of E2. E2 means "know, from the evidence of vision", and would be better translated by "viska zei krici" with a "du'u" x2. Compare E1'. She believed him dead. E2'. She saw him dead. E3'. She believed and saw him dead. E3' seems rather sylleptic to me. Nevertheless, I agree that for Xorban f- suffices. --And.