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Re: [engelang] Xorban Development

On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 10:34 PM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:
> Let's take a step back. How do we do lists? How do we say "Alice, Bob and
> Carol arrived"?
> Thinking aloud:
> ga F1-A F2-A = A is union of group of things that are F1 and group of
> things that are F2
> la ga ''als'a ga ''bob'a ''karl'a klma = "Alice, Bob and Carol went"

(I find pronouncing that sentence a real glottis twister.)

So if:

gnma: A is a group
gnmake: A is group E
gnmakeki: A is group union of E and I
gnmakekiko: A is group union of E, I, and O


ga F1-a F2-a:= le F1-e li F2-i gnmakeki.

and now "ga ... ga ... ..." does do what we need.

> la je nmpda ga nnla nxla snga
> twelve boys and girls sang
> la nxla ga cmla snga
> the girls laughed and sang [=some of the girls laughed and some sang]

Another homonym, I first read it as "the girls are small and sing",
which we would normally want to do with "je".

> la csna ga mslfa ma xrxe
> me and xorxes discuss

I would transkate it as "the discussers are myself and xorxes", but yes.

So I'll add the definition of ga in terms of gnma.

ma'a xrxe