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Re: [jboske] Mr. Bird and other carnivores

> And Rosta scripsit:
> > But I think Mr US President is not a subkind of Mr White Male, even
> > though there is no US President who is not a white male. 
> You are going to say that it is a mere contingency that all presidents
> hitherto have been white males, but it seems to me that when dealing
> with Mr., what is actually the case rules.  Mr. Goat is a subkind of Mr.
> Quadruped, notwithstanding that we may be able to engineer six-legged
> goats some day.  It was only after the discovery of Australia that
> we (i.e. non-Aboriginals) learned that Mr. Swan was not a subkind
> of Mr. White: before that date it would have been perverse to claim
> otherwise.

Our disagreement is more philosophical than linguistic. 

If we engineer a six-legged goat is it a true goat? Or would it be
almost but not quite a goat? I think the answer to that question 
determines whether or not Mr Goat is a subkind of Mr Quadruped.

Similarly, the answer to whether a nonmale or nonwhite *could* be a
US President determines whether Mr US P is a subkind of Mr White Male.
And compare with whether someone not born in the US could be president:
I'd say that if the answer to that were Yes, then the nature of US P
would be altered, and we'd be dealing with a different Kind.

And the answer to whether a black swan would be a true swan would
determine whether Mr Swan is a subkind of Mr White.

And I would not accept that Mr Lojbanist is a subkind of Mr Anglophone,
even if the entirety of Mr Lojbanist's presence in our universe overlaps
with that of Mr Anglophone.
