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Re: [jboske] Mr. Bird and other carnivores

And Rosta scripsit:

> (I take it that some bears eat plants?)

Every kind of bear eats plants with the sole exception of polar bears.
(It is a point of dispute whether giant pandas are bears, raccoons, or sui
generis, but if they are bears, they are the only bears that eat no meat.)

> Yes. But I think Mr US President is not a subkind of Mr White Male, even
> though there is no US President who is not a white male. I have tried and
> failed to think of cases where X is a subkind of Y, Y is a subkind of Z,
> but X is not a subkind of Z, and indeed would claim that this is impossible.

The second point is uncontroversial (it's a direct consequence of the
transitivity of the subset relation), but the first seems to me doubtful.
You are going to say that it is a mere contingency that all presidents
hitherto have been white males, but it seems to me that when dealing
with Mr., what is actually the case rules.  Mr. Goat is a subkind of Mr.
Quadruped, notwithstanding that we may be able to engineer six-legged
goats some day.  It was only after the discovery of Australia that
we (i.e. non-Aboriginals) learned that Mr. Swan was not a subkind
of Mr. White: before that date it would have been perverse to claim

A witness cannot give evidence of his           John Cowan
age unless he can remember being born.          jcowan@hidden.email
  --Judge Blagden                               http://www.ccil.org/~cowan