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Re: [jboske] xorxes's simple solution (was: Re: a minimalist fantasy

la and cusku di'e

> le                 = Spec
> PA le              = members of Spec
> lo                 = Kind
> PA lo              = avatar of Kind [So this cd be equiv to PA broda]
> PA lu'a lo         = members of Kind
> PA LAhE-subkind lo = subtype of Kind [Can also be applied to {le}]

Actually, I had {PA le} for quantified Spec and {PA lu'a le} 
for members of Spec. But we can change {PA le} to members so that 
it matches the current prescription. 

> I don't see why this should be so absolutely beyond the pale for Nick.
> It requires only the following changes:
> (1) Bare lo = tu'o lo instead of su'o lo
> (2) Bare le = tu'o le instead of ro le
> (3) {lo PA} != {lo PAro}
> (4) a new LAhE (which Nick can hardly veto, since he's proposing new LAhE
> himself)
> Hardly any usage at all would be invalidated by these changes, and 
> probably a substantial amount of previous usage would become validated.

(1) and (2) can be considered minimal changes, just a change in the
default quantifiers of lo and le. (Which brings them more in line with
usage in many cases.)

(3) changes the meaning of the inner quantifier of lo, but the 
current convention is rather useless, as specifying the cardinality
of lo'i broda is generally impossible. For le no change is involved.

> Making these pretty minimal changes allows us to say everything we need.
> The remaining existing gadri can then be defined according to whatever
> compromise between usefulness, logical coherence and CLL-conformity
> is deemed best.


> So in all seriousness I say to Nick: accept (1-3) and we will at a single
> bound have solved virtually the whole gadri problem. The only challenge
> left will be to make the remaining gadri logically coherent, but this
> task will be much easier because it wouldn't be freighted with the
> additional requirement of having to afford us ways to say what would
> otherwise not be sayable.

No changes would be needed for lo'i/le'i/lo'e/le'e. 
{loi broda} could simply be a short form of {lo tu'o broda}.
I'm not sure about {lei broda}. If defined as {le tu'o broda}
it would fit the pattern, but it would invalidate some usage.  

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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