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la pycyn cusku di'e
(As obscure as "hangs from a prenex" is (is bound by something outside?, isa transcendental quantifier?, ...?), I suspect you are mistaking the logicof the item with the particular use it is put to -- all those {{frica} casesconfuse the issues.)
I don't think I am. Consider these two properties:(1) le ka ce'u goi ko'a zo'u la djan cu mutce le ka ce'u goi ko'e zo'u ko'e prami ko'a
The property of being much loved by John.(2) le ka ce'u goi ko'a zo'u la djan cu mutce le ka ce'u goi ko'e zo'u ko'a prami ko'e
The property of much loving John.The assignment in the second prenex is not actually necessary, we could just as
well say: (1a) le ka ce'u goi ko'a zo'u la djan cu mutce le ka ce'u prami ko'a (2a) le ka ce'u goi ko'a zo'u la djan cu mutce le ka ko'a prami ce'u They are both one-place properties, even though they involve another property in their specification. And the ce'u-place can only be indicated in the outer prenex. We can't put for example {ce'u goi ko'a} in the inner prenex, nor bring the second ce'u up to the main prenex. So each {ce'u} is strictly restricted to some prenex. mu'o mi'e xorxes _________________________________________________________________Internet access plans that fit your lifestyle -- join MSN. http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/default.asp