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Re: [jboske] a quick note on poi'i, ce'u, ke'a, and 'bound ' ka (was: RE: Theugly head of ni

And Rosta scripsit:

> What is the difference between an incomplete proposition like
> "___ klama" or "___1 klama ___2" and a property or relation like
> "ce'u klama" and "ce'u klama ce'u"? I don't know. I don't know
> whether there is a difference.

If you mean "proposition" strictly, there isn't any.  If you are using it
as a synonym for "sentence", then it is the difference between a sentence
expressing a relation and the relation itself.  The latter is an abstract
object, the former is a syntactic form.

Henry S. Thompson said, / "Syntactic, structural,		John Cowan
Value constraints we / Express on the fly."	jcowan@hidden.email
Simon St. Laurent: "Your / Incomprehensible	http://www.reutershealth.com
Abracadabralike / schemas must die!"		http://www.ccil.org/~cowan