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On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 11:57 PM, Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:I think zu ... zukV should be a core formula rather than a formula though.
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@hidden.email>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 8:54 PM, Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > formula := "hu" sentence* huk desinence | (the rest)
>> Sounds good. Should we assign zu ... zukV to it?
> That's fine. If z- is for pure structure words, then I assume ha, he and
> hi will eventually be (something like) za, ze and zi?
> perfective F = lo fo F mlnoMy worry is that there are different notions of completion. "I didn't
> "the event of F is done"
> imperfective F = lo fo F na mlno
> "the event of F is not done"
> F by itself encompasses either, or both. I think that works.
completely trust him" is not a case of imperfective aspect. But
"mln-"/"na mln-" is fine as a first approximation.
"Last restriction" seems too metalinguistic for my taste. I'm not sureOK.
>> I like the idea of the meaning of a predicate depending on the choice
>> of variable names.
> I think "last restriction" just means "anaphoric". I don't have a problem
> with a plain unbound variable being used for "he/she/it/they", but if we
> wanted to provide a way of making that sort of usage explicit, we could set
> aside dz from L dza < da (anaphors are probably closer to L ri or by, but
> those don't have rafsi).
> lo fo la je nmssa mlta vska'aka mlno. sa dza xkra. ra dza ctka. la dza
> je'u klma'aka bjra.
> I saw several cats (done event). Some of them were black. All of them
> were eating. They, after I approached them, ran.
> Right now, I'd say:
> lo fo la je nmssa mlta vska'aka mlno. se [la je nmssa mlta] mneka xkre.
> re [la je nmssa mlta] mneka ctke. je'u [la je nmssa mlta] klma'aka [la je
> nmssa mlta] bjra.
Are you thinking that "la dza bbba" and "le dze bbbe" would be taken
> Then we could have all variables except special ones implicitly simply
> bound by "lV dzV". The difference with "tfV" is that "dzV" refers back to
> something already referenced, and "tfV" is more glorkative.
> This is just brainstorming on my part.
to have different meanings, even though they only differ in what
should be an irrelevant choice of bound variable? Would "dz-" capture
the implicit restriction rule we had been using before?
>> So:
>> ne'u = lo blvoko'e fo
>> ne'akV = lo dtcVko fo
>> ?
>> I can't figure out what "dtc" means.From Lojban (unofficial) gismu "ditcu". "x1 is the duration of x2".
Interesting ideas, I will need some time to digest them> My idea for "je'a" and "ne'a" was:
> je'a F1 F2
> = lo fo F1 lu fu F2 cbnuko
> = "While F1, F2"
> ne'a F2
> = lu fu F2 cbnuko'e
> = "Meanwhile, F2"
> I think "cbn" could most broadly be interpreted to mean "The duration of
> event x1 temporally overlaps with the duration of event x2". If so, we
> could give "cbn" an x3 metrically specifying the duration of that overlap,
> and allow a free variable in the "ne'akV" and "je'akV":
> je'ake F1 F2
> = lo fo F1 lu fu F2 cbnukoke
> = "For duration E, while F1, F2"
> ne'ake F2
> = lu fu F2 cbnuko'eke
> = "For duration E, meanwhile, F2" = "For duration E, F2"
> Likewise, we could give "prc" and "blv" an x3 metrically specifying the
> temporal offset separating x1 and x2:
> je'i[ke] F1 F2
> = lo fo F1 lu fu F2 prcuko[ke]
> [Some amount of time(e)] before F1, F2.
> je'u[ke] F1 F2
> = lo fo F1 lu fu F2 blvuko[ke]
> [Some amount of time(e)] after F1, F2.
> ne'i[ke] F2
> = lu fu F2 prcuko'e[ke]
> [Some amount of time(e)] earlier, F2.
> ne'u[ke] F2
> = lu fu F2 blvuko'e[ke]
> [Some amount of time(e)] later, F2.
> Those operators would handle: while, before, after; and the related
> metrics: how long, how long ago, how long afterward. One thing we don't
> have is the 'punctual' sense "when" as opposed to "while". I think that
> sense "when" probably can be handled as "immediately after" + the aspect
> meaning "begin". So:
> la mlta lo nlo je'uko [event begins] klma'aka, bjra.
> The cat, in no time after I begin to approach it, runs.
> ... which seems to mean roughly:
> When I approach the cat, it runs.
> ... but which is not the same as:
> la mlta je'a klma'aka, bjra.
> The cat, while I approach it, runs.
co ma'a xrxe