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Re: [engelang] Xorban: la je cmla nltra

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 8:54 PM, Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@hidden.email>
> wrote:
>> http://www3.sympatico.ca/gaston.ringuelet/lepetitprince/chapitre01.html
>> On disait dans le livre: "Les serpents boas avalent leur proie tout
>> entière, sans la mâcher. Ensuite ils ne peuvent plus bouger et ils
>> dorment pendant les six mois de leur digestion".
>> http://home.pacific.net.hk/~rebylee/text/prince/1.html
>> In the book it said: "Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole,
>> without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they
>> sleep through the six months that they need for digestion."
>> la ckta li je nnreki cske'uki q la qbo'aqa le kltake ju mlne ju na
>> mrxake tnlake. lo blvoko'e la tfa fo je le fe mvda na kknake le je li
>> msti skeki fe dgsta fe spna qi
> q ... q is a good idea but unfortunately "qbo'aqa" throws a monkey wrench
> into the parse.  It may be time to introduce a Xorbanic text quotative.

Oops, right.

> Maybe (?):
> formula := "hu" sentence* huk desinence | (the rest)

Sounds good. Should we assign zu ... zukV to it?

> I notice that mln- might help with defining the perfective.  Then maybe
> the imperfective could be defined using "na mln-".


> The tf- usage is interesting.  It's certainly naturalistic, but do we want
> a deictic to cover anaphora, or do want a way to explicitly mean "last
> restriction"?

"Last restriction" seems too metalinguistic for my taste. I'm not sure
I like the idea of the meaning of a predicate depending on the choice
of variable names.

> Intuitively I think we should either change "kkn" or add something new
> that means "x1 is able to be (l- property) x2".

Yes, "le mvde na kknake" makes more sense.

> Here's my updated version going back two sentences.
> la je lo fo li dnli tnlaki na mlno qbo'aqa snxa'ika. la tja la'i cskxra'i
> fkpaka'i.
> la je li ckti nnraki cske'uka hu «la qbo'aqa le kltake ju na mrxake ju
> mlne tnlake. ne'u li mvdi na kknaki. lo je ne'ako ctrco'e li msti skoki
> ne'ako spna» huka
> ctrc < ctiru'e "digestion".
> The last sentence in the quote is interesting:
> lo je ne'ako ctrco'e li msti skoki ne'ako spna
> The duration of digestion that is months six is the duration that A
> sleeps.


ne'u = lo blvoko'e fo
ne'akV = lo dtcVko fo


co ma'a xrxe