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Re: [engelang] Xorban: la je cmla nltra

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@hidden.email> wrote:

On disait dans le livre: "Les serpents boas avalent leur proie tout
entière, sans la mâcher. Ensuite ils ne peuvent plus bouger et ils
dorment pendant les six mois de leur digestion".

In the book it said: "Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole,
without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they
sleep through the six months that they need for digestion."

la ckta li je nnreki cske'uki q la qbo'aqa le kltake ju mlne ju na
mrxake tnlake. lo blvoko'e la tfa fo je le fe mvda na kknake le je li
msti skeki fe dgsta fe spna qi

co ma'a xrxe

q ... q is a good idea but unfortunately "qbo'aqa" throws a monkey wrench into the parse.  It may be time to introduce a Xorbanic text quotative.  Maybe (?):

formula := "hu" sentence* huk desinence | (the rest)

I notice that mln- might help with defining the perfective.  Then maybe the imperfective could be defined using "na mln-".

The tf- usage is interesting.  It's certainly naturalistic, but do we want a deictic to cover anaphora, or do want a way to explicitly mean "last restriction"?

Intuitively I think we should either change "kkn" or add something new that means "x1 is able to be (l- property) x2". 

Here's my updated version going back two sentences.

la je lo fo li dnli tnlaki na mlno qbo'aqa snxa'ika. la tja la'i cskxra'i fkpaka'i.

la je li ckti nnraki cske'uka hu «la qbo'aqa le kltake ju na mrxake ju mlne tnlake. ne'u li mvdi na kknaki. lo je ne'ako ctrco'e li msti skoki ne'ako spna» huka

ctrc < ctiru'e "digestion".

The last sentence in the quote is interesting:
lo je ne'ako ctrco'e li msti skoki ne'ako spna
The duration of digestion that is months six is the duration that A sleeps.

co ma'a mke

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My LL blog: Loglang.wordpress.com