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Re: [engelang] Xorban: Termsets

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 8:32 PM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:
> My version:
> Binder, with two complements, binding a bindee, which is generally an
> argument-place complement (tho not in case of jek, ji'uk). The binding
> relation is expressed in the phonological form of the binder and the
> argument-place.
> Your version (if I understood right, which I probably didn't):
> Binder has three complements, one of which is a variable. It generally
> binds complements of predicates; complements of predicates are variables.
> The variable has multiple forms, all of the same shape; each form cliticizes
> to the form of the syntactic word the variable is a complement of.
> Syntactically it's one entity, but phonologically it gets expressed as many
> different forms, of the same shape.

My version would be: Binder has two complements (each one a formula),
and it binds zero or more variables of its complements.

Variables are not syntactic objects by themselves (they are not
words). Which variables a formula has, and which variables a binder
binds, is determined by the phonological form of the syntactic

An atomic formula is a word and has one or more free variables (and no
bound variables).

An operator may add to, remove (i.e. bind) or leave unchanged the free
variables of its complement formula(s). Which of those things it does
depends on which operator it is. For example "fV" will add (mormally
one) free variable to those of its complement formula, "na" will
neither add nor remove any free variables from its complement formula,
"rV" will remove (bind) any free variable(s) from its complement
formulas that coincide with the variables expressed in its
phonological form. So the formula resulting after the application of
an operator can have more, fewer or the same number of free variables
as the operator's complement formula(s). Variables bound within the
complement(s) of an operator are invisible to the operator and are
unaffected by it.

co ma'a xrxe