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From: Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com>
As far as "f-" and intensionality, IMO intensionality should be something defined in predicate places, not something marked on the object/sumti or binders/gadri. IMO I should be able to say "le fe lmna'a nlca'ake" = "I like to swim (intension)" and "le je tje fe lmna'a [hika] plkeka'a" = "I am [now] enjoying this swim (extensional)" without marking the object for intensionality because the predicate should be defined such as to indicate it. Same as "le ckle nlca'ake" = "I like chocolate (intensional)" vs. "le cke [hika] plkeka'a" = "I am [currently] enjoying chocolate (extensional)".
No solution to questions of intensionality is going to be perfectly tidy, but this seems more messy than usual. I don't see why nlc2 should be intensional nor why a sentence like "I like chocolate" or "I like to swim" requires it to be (I would think that both of those require event arguments, however). And similarly (to the opposite effect) for plk2. I am not quite sure what h is about -- it wasn't on the list the last time I checked, but that has been a while. & had it for "is the haeceity of", which doesn't fit here, free variable or not. But to the cases: If there are not events of swimming that I like when engaging in them -- indeed, if I have never engaged in such -- then the claim that I like swimming is just false. So, binding in applies and the whole is not intensional.Just what do you mean by "intensional" and "extensional"? Whether or not it means "habitually enjoy", "like" is not obviously intensional in "I like chocolate" -- what other worlds are involved? (other than past and future ones, which are generally not other worlds for these kinds of questions).
I am holding h- to be the C for several sundry experimental operators and particles I am trying to list here - http://loglang.wordpress.com/xorban/experimental/ ; "hika" I just made up noncewise to mean "now/currently". I would like to reserve "hik-" for tense markers until we get some official ones, if no one minds.While it may be tempting to interpret "I like chocolate" as "I habitually enjoy [eating] chocolate" or some such, I don't think that's really what "I like chocolate" means; "habitually enjoy" seems to me extensional however unspecific, and "like" seems to me intensional even I am eating it right here and now.
I do wonder whether nlc and plk are as closely related as this paragraph suggests and, if so, why we have both of them. Unless, of course, we are to get our predicates in pairs, an intensional one and an extensional one -- but, in that case, I would hope that the relation and the difference would be overtly marked.Well, if we go that way, I do hope we make the one derivative from the other so that we don't overdo the reduplication. Now, tell, which of the two seeing sentences is supposed to be extensional and which intensional. The first is clearly extensional, though "I saw a rat" in these circumstances, turns out to be intensional. The second one is arguable, though I tends to see it as extensional on the ground that 1) there is a cat that I saw and 2) that cat is the same one I saw in another movie the week before and so is identifiable as such, just like the actor who was in both.
Lojban plk- would mean "x1 is pleasant to x2", and I just tweaked it to "enjoy" in order to fit my illustration (keeping the same argument order in Xorban though). Yes, I think that the extensional and intensional versions of predicates would be separate lexical entries. That way the sentences "I saw a cat (but thought it was a rat)" and "I saw a cat (in the movie the watched)" would, or at least could, be expressed with separate predicates.