On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:33 PM, John E. Clifford
<kali9putra@hidden.email> wrote:
In connection with one of my problems, where do you place m and d? f?
They're all unaries, and probably better covered in a primer than in a glossary.
"m" just creates a one-place predicate out of a formula meaning "is known/named by this formula".
"d" is the definite operator, which I take to mean a discourse-dependent choice function picking the salient entities out of a larger extension. For any formula F, "da F" is the discourse-salient entities fitting "a" in F. I assume it'd be pretty close to English "the". If the current topic is a restaurant, "the food" is the food served by that restaurant. If the current topic is a friend's house, "the kids" are the kids living in that house. Definites also refer back to entities introduced by indefinites, presumably in Xorban that'd be "s-". We haven't seen a lot of examples of "d-", so I am not sure this isn't already covered by "l-".
"fa F" means "A is a situation in which F occurs/is true". I see it as a chunk of space-time. We've seen plenty of examples of this so far.