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25.9.2012 23:41, Leonardo Castro wrote:
That is an interesting thought. First it is necessary to define "successful communication". Being dropped to somebody's house would require completely different vocabulary than meeting someone in a desert, for example. Elementary second language skills might not be enough in some situations... Your list is about right. Russian should be added because of the huge land (and sea) area. Indonesian is spoken in a large area, too. Swahili is spoken in a much larger area than Yoruba, though both are used in officially English and French speaking countries (whatever that means in practice).
Maybe changing words is a way to unroot them. If you borrow words in unchanged form, then you could be borrowing all the nuances and unwritten usage restrictions with it. That is especially a danger in a language like Interlingua where the words come from a small set of related source languages. It borrows the words and the semantics, and they might not be very good for global auxiliary language.
Thank you. Eliminating consonant voicing contrast would be harmful for word recognition/mnemonicity, which already probably is not as high as I hope for. Word-breaking is somehow done with stress, but that is unreliable because people often apply their native language accent also in speaking foreign languages. But that's a trade-off for having more "real" vocabulary. -- Risto Kupsala |