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Re: [engelang] reformulating the core grammar (was: Re: Xorban: Termsets

On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 2:48 PM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote: 

OK. Working from these:

sentence := illocutionary-operator? formula | interjection

formula := simple-formula | modifier formula

modifier := unary-operator | binary-operator formula

simple-formula := (C C C* | q ( C? V? )* q) VkV

unary-operator := ( b | f | d | v | m | n ) VkV

binary-operator := ( l | r | s | x | g | j ) VkV

illocutionary-operator := c VkV

interjection := w VkV

VkV := V (k V)* (illocutionary-operator formula | interjection)?

I would have these as the following. Not just a different notation. I'm doing this without phrases, but a translation into headed-phrases would be simple.

1. word-classes: Interjection, Unary-op, Binary-op, Formula (= Simple Formula), Formula-root

Why would Formula-root be among the word-classes?  Isn't the distinction between Formula-root and Formula somewhat analogous to that between noun phrases and nouns in English? 

2. A formula-root is a formula or a word whose complement is a formula-root
3. Interjections and Formula-roots have no complements.

Would it be more accurate to say:

2. A formula-root is a formula or (the ?combination of ) any word with all its one or more complementary formula-roots


4. Unary-ops have one complement.
5. Binary-ops have two complements.
6. Complements are formula-roots.

I include Illoc-op in Unary-op, because it is undesirable that Illoc-ops are restricted to sentence-initial position. However, if it were as in Jorge's rules, then Illoc-ops would have one complement and rule 2 would add "and is not an illoc-op".


co ma'a mke

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