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Mike S., On 15/09/2012 05:56:
No, none has been proposed yet. Presumably, these expressions would contain an illocutionary of various sorts -- greeting the addressee, attracting the attention of the intended addressee, identifying the addressee (to make it clear which of various hearers is the intended addressee), expressing some kind of unasserted attitude to the addressee ("It's bedtime now, darling") -- some with a complement and some without.
> Do we have any way of indicating something like a vocative i.e. "hey,
> you" or "yo, And"?
d- is a monadic predicate and takes a single complement, which contains a variable bound by d-. D- expresses an unspecified definite monadic predicate, with the complement providing some kind of (presumably nonveridical) description of the predicate.
> Also, can someone give me the current consensus-in-flux syntax and
> semantics of "d-" and "m-" (in a nutshell, but more elaborate than
> the official def)?
m- is a monadic predicate and takes a single complement that is a complete phrase of any sort; m- doesn't bind any variable. The complement of m- is a name, tho we haven't considered what exactly that means:
* Just a morphologically less restricted way of generating monadic predicates?
[Probably not just.]
* Also coming without a guarantee of nonhomonymy?
[Probably Yes]
* Stored in some sort of permanent onomasticon?
[Probably No -- i.e. nonce names are allowed too]