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Re: [engelang] Xorban Development

Jorge Llamb�as, On 06/09/2012 01:40:
On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 8:47 PM, And Rosta<and.rosta@hidden.email>  wrote:

But also, how about:

la je ckfa va mlka prfraka'a
I prefer my coffee milky (to not milky)

Maybe you could even have
la je ckfa va mlka plkaka'a
I like [i.e. prefer] my coffee milky

if there is some convention that vV coerces a kind of comparative
interpretation of predicates cobound with it.

So vV is basically "rather" or "rather than not".

Probably, yes.

Perhaps even in cases like:

va'i xmga'i
This is rather good.
(This is good rather than not good.)

As in "Rather, this is good"? Yes, pretty much.

Or as in "This is pretty good", "this is more than a little good"? I can't find my way to this meaning from the Xorban.
