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Re: [romconlang] Small sweet things

----- Original Message ----- From: "Benct Philip Jonsson" <bpj@hidden.email>
To: <romconlang@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: [romconlang] Small sweet things

[Germano-Romance, diminutives]

Based on the prevalence of the -l and -le diminutives in
the southern part of the German Sprachraum -- i.e. where
the really funky things happened with the language --
I'd expect the diminutives of your lang to come from
-ULUS/A and -ILLUS/A, thus Zinftetschenle or
Zinftetschenelle.  Of course Zinftetschenle  sounds and
looks most authentic, but be aware that in OTL Vulgar Latin
-ULUS ceased to be a productive diminutive ending, with
half an exception for Italian -- i.e. I suspect instances
there are later borrowings from Classical Latin.

Following my GMP I'd end up with

               S            P
Dir         -el*          -elle      *maybe -ell by analogy to other forms
Gen       -elliese      -eller
Dat        -elle          -elle

The masculine and feminine fall into together very early only. By the 6th Century only the DatS, DirP and GenP still mark gender, and all gender distinction is lost by the middle of the 11th Century. So interestingly, we go from the Latin system of the diminutives being the same gender as the original noun to a German system were the diminutives are/appear to be of the same, potentially contradictory gender (neuter in German, masculine in Rienench). I wonder if natural gender might be preserved, or if you might have peculiarities like 'das Mädchen'?

I actually like this more than the 'genuine' -ITTUS from VL. I should put BP on a retainer... ;)
