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--- Christian Thalmann <cinga@hidden.email> wrote: > Wheee! A translation exercise! =D Yay! Alright: here's one in Kerno. Couant trassalis l' Ystefand trasper y vroyes, llen la nertièn, llen la regracellès; n' yscouta foel ar vrente lâ buckow ne glazs point dol manow; mer h-en yecken dol beden ag h-en moz aris laven; con cistes, feris-els e nicouenis-els y enemickes le Domnós. Excellent! Another rhymer! When trod the Steven across the lands, full of power, full of grace; no shield before the jaw no sword to the hand; just a fire in the head and a word on the lips; with these he struck them and conquered them, the enemies of the Lord. [Naturally, assuming the christian Lord here. Also, the spiritual fire is in the head rather than the heart. Though you do hear "heart aflame" or "fire in the heart" in the christian context; just not as ferquently.] Couant trassalis l' Ystefand trasper y vroyes kwant tra~salis lIst@vand tra~sper ivroijEs llen la nertièn, llen la regracellès; lEn l@ nersiEn lEn l@ regrasEl.lEs n' yscouta foel ar vrente lâ buckow niskut@ fo@l ErvrEnt l@~bukow ne glazs point dol manow; n@ glaD pwa~nt d@lmanow mer h-en yecken dol beden merhEn jEk@n d@lbED@n ag h-en moz aris laven; aGEn moZ ar@slav@n con cistes, feris-els e nicouenis-els y enemickes kVnsistEs ferisEws e nikwEnisEws ijEn@mik le Domnós. l@ don.nos There's no unusual grammar here (surprise!); all the verbs are -ir class, so -is is the 3s past form. The only new words are Ystefand; regracellès (gracefullness, a poetic extension used to rhyme with vroyes, countryside); foel, a negative adverb; mer, just, simply; lavea, lip. > Con Tseffan, plenu de uere ed graedsa, > [kAn 'tseff@ ple:n d y@r eg grajdz] > > Vava per uemmerdsa terra; > [va:v p@r ym'mErdz 'dEr] > > Nau feriva un xudun pro suu vuodu, > [no fe'ri:v @n 'tSu:d@ prA zu 'vu@d] > > Nuola an waffa in sua manu, > [nu@l @m maf in dzu va:n] waffa? What's the etymology of that one? > Sed solei in suun corde an flamma > [sed 'zo:le in dzuN gArd @m plam] Wow. That one's practically understandible in Kerno! Solament and llama are valid words. Padraic. ===== beuyont alch geont la ciay la cina mangeiont alch geont y faues la lima; pe' ne m' molestyont que faciont doazque y facyont in rima. .