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En réponse à Christian Thalmann :
But what about |nuolu| "no, none"? |U nuolu| "a none" and |is nuolu| "the none" don't make sense.
Since when do languages have to make sense? :)))
This still leaves other problems with uncountable quantities. How do you say "of water", as in "a glass of water"? Neither |ys auga| [yz awg] "of the water" nor |nys auga| [nyz awg] "of a water" seem to work. Of course, one could define an idiomatic use of either article in this situation, but I wonder whether it wouldn't lead to ambiguities.
Or you could just not use any article, like in Dutch "een glas water". It never leads to any ambiguity, and it makes sense for Jovian to be influenced by Germanic languages.
Does anyone have alternate ideas for the creation of a partitive article like du/des in French? I can't think of a fitting Latin root...
In Narbonósc, there is a partitive article of the form "ne/na" (which exists only in the singular). It is derived from "em+e" and "em+a" (like "du" is "de+le").
Christophe Grandsire. http://rainbow.conlang.free.frYou need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.
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