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Re: Fortunatian: A New Translation

Wheee!  A translation exercise!  =D

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4"
<theophilus88@h...> wrote:
> When Stephen, full with power and grace,

Con Tseffan, plenu de uere ed graedsa,
[kAn 'tseff@  ple:n d y@r eg grajdz]

> walked through the whole land;

Vava per uemmerdsa terra;
[va:v p@r ym'mErdz 'dEr]

> He did not carry a shield afore his own face,

Nau feriva un xudun pro suu vuodu,
[no fe'ri:v @n 'tSu:d@ prA zu 'vu@d]

> No weapon in his own hand,

Nuola an waffa in sua manu,
[nu@l @m maf in dzu va:n]

> But only in his own heart a flame

Sed solei in suun corde an flamma
[sed 'zo:le in dzuN gArd @m plam]

> And on his lips a sword,

Ed in sua laeva un glaedsu,
[ed in dzu lajv @N glajdz]

> With which he smote and vanquished the enemies of the lord.

Ci is hae caese ed uecte eos findes ys Doemu.
[ki i he gajz ed yCt @s findz y dAjm]

Cool text, very much suited to a translation exercise.  =P

-- Christian Thalmann