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--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Christian Thalmann" > > When Stephen, full with power and grace, > > Con Tseffan, plenu de uere ed graedsa, > [kAn 'tseff@ ple:n d y@r eg grajdz] In the light of recent developments, this should now read |plenu nys uere ed graedsa| [ple:n nyz y@r eg grajdz]. > > walked through the whole land; > > Vava per uemmerdsa terra; > [va:v p@r ym'mErdz 'dEr] Maybe |tran| [tran] "across" rather than |per| [p@r] "through, by". > > No weapon in his own hand, > > Nuola an waffa in sua manu, > [nu@l @m maf in dzu va:n] Either that or |an nuola waffa| [@n nu@l vaf] (less cool). > > With which he smote and vanquished the enemies of the lord. > > Ci is hae caese ed uecte eos findes ys Doemu. > [ki i he gajz ed yCt @s findz y dAjm] I think I'm going to drop the case inflections of |ci cae cod| "who, what, which" and |aegi, aegae, aegod| "any, whoever, whatever", marking them by an article as well. That would also allow the distinction between |un cod| [@N gA] "a what" = "what; one which" and |id cod| [ik kA] "the what" = "which one; the one which". Articles are optional in the nominative and accusative, but they're always helpful. In stead of |...un glaedsu, ci is hae caese...|, it should read |...un glaedsu, ei ci hae caese...| [@N glajdz e gi he gajz], the nominative personal pronoun |is| becoming unnecessary now that the oblique |ei ci| can no longer be confused with the nominative |ci|. -- Christian Thalmann