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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: A translation exercise!

En réponse à Jan van Steenbergen :

Cool! Is there anyplace where we could watch the Narbonósc vocabulary? And its
grammar? All I have seen from it was quite tempting...

Currently, the best places are the archives of Conlang and Romanceconlang (look for "Narbonósc" but also "Roumant"). Unfortunately, I don't have much time to give to anything right now :((( .

I wonder if the Romance languages also have examples of triplets:
(1) words inherited from Vulgar Latin;
(2) later borrowings from Classical Latin;
(3) later borrowings from other Romance languages.

In French, between the inherited words, the reborrowings from Latin, the inventions out of Latin roots and French endings, the borrowings from other Romance languages with adaptation to French and without, the borrowings of entire phrases eroded to single words, the folk etymologies bringing to new words and the changes of orthography which create homonyms where there was a single word (conte~compte is an example), I'd be surprised if you can't find quintuplets or even sextuplets!

Christophe Grandsire.


You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.