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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: A translation exercise!

En réponse à Jan van Steenbergen :

 --- John Cowan skrzypszy:

> > Notes:  |Xuru| is a concatenation of securus, not a
> >         loan from English.  ;-)  |Dinner| is from
> >         iter, itineris.

Has "iter, itineris" survived in any Romance natlang?

Only in reborrowings AFAIK. French has "itinéraire" for instance.

 When working on the
translation, I had to create this word instantly, and it caused me some
trouble. At last, I chose "wiask" (cf. Fr. "voyage", It. "viaggio") for
"journey", and along with that "wiaskar" for "travel". I already had the word
"wiatórz" for "traveller".

Narbonósc has IIRC "viage" /"vjaZ/, "viageâre" /vja"Zar/ and "viageour" /vja"Zu/ for the same meanings. But knowing the language, it wouldn't surprise me if some borrowing from Classical Latin was taken early on (by the troubadours for instance) and evolved with a twist of meaning. After all, it has "formage" for "cheese" and the outcome of Latin "caseus" is "caes" /"ke/ but means "yoghurt" :)) .

And French has both "sûreté" and "sécurité". A nice example of cases where the
same Latin word makes it entrance into a language twice.

Indeed :)) . French is full of those doubles :)) . For instance "récupérer" and "recouvrer" (which is doubly strange since the late borrowing "récupérer" has become normal in speech while the older "recouvrer" has taken a special meaning - related to taxes - which makes it now high-level language :))) ), or "naviguer" and "nager" (with "nager" changing meaning and replacing Old French "noer": to swim). The French vocabulary is a true nightmare of borrowings and reborrowings from different French dialects and Latin, shifts of meanings, popular etymologies becoming rule, etc...

Christophe Grandsire.


You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.