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Re: [jboske] lo'e cinfo and lo'e -antelope

And Rosta scripsit:

> la djan djuno ledu'u lo'e cinfo cu xabju le friko
> "Lions are generally such that John knows that they live in Africa"

Distinguo.  lo'e being singulative can be placed anywhere in its bridi,
but that doesn't justify lifting it out of the bridi altogether.
But let's not use djuno in examples, because of the wretched factivity
problem; instead let's talk about John's beliefs.  John believes, then,
that lions are generally found in Africa.  By the same token, James
believes that unicorns are generally white, but that does not imply
that unicorns are generally such that James believes them to be white.

> It's consistent with CLL. We have two competing definitions of lo'e equally
> consistent with CLL, but compared to the other (mine), one (yours) has a
> vastly narrower expressive capability.

But it's simpler to have a sumti talk about an object, even an abstraction.
What you want to do can be done, I believe, with a tense.

> I don't really care either way, since I wouldn't shed a tear if lo'e were
> abolished altogether. But it seems perverse to prefer your definition to
> mine.


If you understand,                      John Cowan
   things are just as they are;         http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
if you do not understand,               http://www.reutershealth.com
   things are just as they are.         jcowan@hidden.email