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Re: [jboske] lo'e cinfo and lo'e -antelope

And Rosta scripsit:

> > > Is it right to say that lo'e cinfo cu citka lo antilope? 
> >
> > The first is definitely false:  it means "There is an antelope such that the
> > typical lion eats it", i.e. "Many, or most, or almost all lions eat this
> > antelope."
> No, that would be {lo antelope cu se citka lo'e cinfo}. {lo'e} is clearly
> scope-sensitive.

I don't think so.  Although we *infer* the properties of lo'e cinfo by
generalizing over a bunch of lions, lo'e cinfo *itself* is a singular
entity.  So scope is effectively irrelevant here.

Real FORTRAN programmers can program FORTRAN    John Cowan
in any language.  --Allen Brown                 jcowan@hidden.email