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I had a huge flame of jboske ready to send last night. I didn't. I send this now, though.

A Lojban which contains {lo} = Kind is so incommensurable with CLL, and so manifestly against the entire spirit of the language (which is founded on Quine and not Montague), that its acceptance will force me to cut ties with the language. I will not relearn {lo}, and I will not ask anyone else to; this is where I draw the line.

Jorge started that particular thread by saying it was a revisionist fantasy, and I need not read it. I wish And had stuck to that. And this is why I did not want BPFK discussions to happen on jboske as it stands. I should not even have to entertain consideration of change so disruptive.

I am supposed to wade through 500 K of this produced over just five days, with no sign of letup. Frankly, I no longer see the point of any of this --- or of starting to have my sleep, day job and research start suffering again for this. And, if you can't see by now that this is the kind of proposal that *should not be made at all to BFPK*, then go ahead and make it. But you have my veto.

Dr Nick Nicholas, French & Italian, University of Melbourne, Australia.
http://www.opoudjis.net                   nickn@hidden.email
"Most Byzantine historians felt they knew enough to use the optatives
 correctly; some of them were right." --- Harry Turtledove.