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Re: [jboske] tense and atemporality

> Jorge Llamb?as scripsit:
> > I'm trying to figure out whether it is _right now_ the case
> > that {mi jbena fi li 1966;}, or whether it is nonsense to
> > say that {mi jbena fi li 1966;} is true at some time or another.
> > Isn't it just an atemporal relationship between {mi} and {li 1966;}?
> On my view, it is _right now_ the case that do jbena fi li 1966 iff
> you were actually born then.  In other words, jbena holds either always
> or never.

For each "predicate + tense" there is another predicate such that
"predicate + tense-argument" paraphrases it, and vice versa. Both
hold of all time.

But truly atemporal predicates ("3 is more than 2", say) hold at all
times without tense being part of the predication.
