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la lojbab cusku di'e > At 02:29 PM 8/8/03 -0700, Jorge "Llamb�as" wrote: > > >jbena x1 is born to x2 at time x3 [birthday] and place x4 [birthplace]; > > > >What does {mi fi li 1966;10;17 ba'o jbena} mean? That the relationship > >between "mi" and "1966;10;17" is no longer occurring? > > Not having seen how you got here, so I'm probably putting by foot in my > mouth ... We got here from a discussion about the difference (if any) between everlasting events (ze'e) and atemporal relationships (no tense applies). > It means that there was an event of mi being born at that time, and it is > the aftermath of that event. So yes, the event of your being born (which > presumably happened at that time) is no longer occurring. But does the relationship still hold today, or does it no longer hold? When did I stop jbena fi li 1966;? > mi ba'o klama le zarci similarly means that we are in the aftermath of my > going to the store. Right, so you are no longer in relationship klama with le zarci. Am I no longer in relationship jbena with 1966? > I'm not sure how I see that there should be a difference, merely because > one of the places is a time. I'm trying to figure out whether it is _right now_ the case that {mi jbena fi li 1966;}, or whether it is nonsense to say that {mi jbena fi li 1966;} is true at some time or another. Isn't it just an atemporal relationship between {mi} and {li 1966;}? mu'o mi'e xorxes __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. http://search.yahoo.com