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Re: [jboske] Digest Number 217

> And Rosta scripsit:
> > The singularity is contingent
> Whoa.  What's contingent about it?  *By definition* the presidency of the
> is an office only one person holds at a time.  If there could be two
> at the same time, we would have a different office altogether.

Okay. I withdraw that.

> > To convince me, you'll need to find a noncompositional example whose
> > singularity is not contingent on facts of the local world.
> I don't see why it has to be noncompositional.  "The center of the Earth"
> is unambiguously non-contingently singular.

It has to be noncompositional because I can count centres (centre of Earth,
centre of Moon, centre of an apple, etc.). Since the centre of the Earth
is indubitably pa centre be da, I conclude that it is pa centre of the Earth
