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Re: [jboske] Re: essentials of a gadri system

la nitcion cusku di'e

> > 5. Is-a-Subkind-of. Binary predicate taking Kind as one argument.
> This is not even a cmavo change (although it could be done with a cmavo 
> predicate), and I have no objection to it.

What is a 'cmavo predicate'? Something in GOhA?

I think the closest predicate for is-a-subkind-of would be 

   lo'e blabi xirma cu klesi lo'e xirma le ka blabi
   White Horse is Horse with property being white.
   White horses are horses that are white.

Or also:

   lo'e blabi xirma cu klesi lo'e blabi le ka xirma
   White horses are white things that are horses.

I suppose we could have a LAhE for {lo'e klesi be}.

> > 6. Subset-of: "is n% of" (= "contains x out of every y members
> > of"), where n can be left vague and have the meaning "is a subset
> > of". Binary predicates taking 1-4 as one argument.
> This can be either a tweak to ce'i, or a related MEI cmavo, possibly 
> with two numeric arguments, probably not (fractions should do).

Isn't {si'e} for that? {zemuce'isi'e} seems to be "x1 is 75% of x2".

> > 7. Each-member-of. -- Distributivizer. Applies to 1-4.
> Either this is lu'i, or lu'i converts its referents a single 
> invididual, whereupon we would likely use a different LAhE.

I hope you meant {lu'a}.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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