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Re: gadri paradigm: 2 excellent proposals

I commend you guys for your premisses, and blast you for your confusion.

So here is what xorxes and I agree on:

set: lu'iro lu'ile lu'ila (=lo'i/le'i/la'i)
quantified: PA(ro) PAle PAla
substance: lu'oiro lu'oile lu'oila
collective: lu'oro lu'ole lu'ola (=(piro)loi/lei/lai)
'unique': lu'airo lu'aile lu'aila

The ontology is certainly a sound basis for anything to be said on gadri

Stuff still up in the air:

* Is a gadri for Prototypical (or Representative Imaginary, or
whatever) logically sound?
If it isn't, then lo'e/le'e are short for lu'airo/lu'aile.
If it is, then CLL compatibility might argue for lo'e/le'e as
the Prototypical.

By 'logically sound', what do you mean? Because 'prototype' seems to be a psychological, rather than logical, construct.

* Is there any way to make any of the above a bit shorter?

Here comes trouble...

* Is there any scope to fiddle with default interpretations
of bare gadri?

By the fundamentalist imperative, not much.

I propose, as the solution that would allow the greatest
economy in usage conditioned only by considerations of
meaning, that bare lo/le/la should be interpreted as if
preceded by lu'oiro.

And in a fundamentalist imperative where CLL compatibility and past usage outweigh perceived utility and shortness, this is of course unacceptable.

That would then give the following table of shortest forms:

set: lo'i le'i la'i
quantified: PA PAle PAla
substance: lo le la
collective: loi lei lai
'unique': lu'airo (~lo'e) lu'airole (~ le'e) lu'aila

Doing the following:

* Regarding 'substance' as the basic meaning of {loi}
* Allowing that the piano carriers define 'substance' as well as 'collective' --- they just define 'collective' better --- and the "if one of us then all of us" definition (CLL p. 123) fits substance and not collective
* Regarding the definition lo = su'o pa as inviolable
* Allowing the statistical article to go back to gismu
* Rejecting the DeLong/LeChevalier line of {lo prenu remei cu bevri}, because if {remei} is a mass we're back to square one (it could still be one person doing the carrying), and if {remei} is a collective... well, that might work, but it needs a lot of thinking

I come up with this rather messier paradigm --- which does not throw existing Lojban out:

set:         lo'i             le'i             la'i
quant:       (PA)lo           (PA)le           (PA)la
substance:   loi              loi              loi
collective:  lu'oi ro         lu'oi le         lu'oi la
coll., alt.  lo romei be lo   lo romei be le   lo romei be la
(if {mei} becomes collective not substance, which is not impossible)
unique:      lu'ai ro lo      lu'ai ro le      lu'ai ro la
prototype:   lo'e             le'e
mode:        lo fadni belo'i  lo fadni bele'i  lo fadni be la'i

It makes infinite sense to me that the default quantifier between LAhE and LE be {ro}, as is clear by inspection; but whatever.

The default inner PA for bare lo/le/la would be tu'o.

The default inner PA for substances shall indeed be tu'o, that's the whole point of substances, and I reject the perpetuation of error. Inasmuch as CLL perpetuates this confusion, this part of it I reject.

An overt
PA would change the interpretation from substance:

quantified: loPA = su'oloPA lePA = rolePA
substance: lo(tu'o) le(tu'o)

An indeterminable amount of prior usage would be invalidated,

Too much: you're making all references to individuals change, and I content we still do mostly want to talk about individuals.

but that is a small price to pay, because lo/le/la would at
last be assigned to a role where they would properly have highest

A Lojban Mark II statement. I can't countenance so much of a change.

No new gadri would be required. And just 2 new LAhE would be

This I like, and wish to stick with.

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Nick Nicholas, Breathing | le'o ko na rivbi fi'inai palci je tolvri danlu opoudjis@hidden.email | -- Miguel Cervantes tr. Jorge LLambias