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Re: [jboske] Re: gadri paradigm: 2 excellent proposals

On Sun, Dec 22, 2002 at 02:27:42PM +1100, Nick Nicholas wrote:
> * Rejecting the DeLong/LeChevalier line of {lo prenu remei cu bevri}, 
> because if {remei} is a mass we're back to square one (it could still 
> be one person doing the carrying), and if {remei} is a collective... 
> well, that might work, but it needs a lot of thinking

Try jo'u.

[ I didn't read the whole message.  I've been spending (wasting)
too much time with jboske crap, which is currently quite a bit too
tinkeringish for my taste.  So no other response here. ]

Jordan DeLong - fracture@hidden.email
lu zo'o loi censa bakni cu terzba le zaltapla poi xagrai li'u
                                     sei la mark. tuen. cusku

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