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Re: zifsnu: [jboske] lau'V gadri (was: RE: individuation and masses (was: RE: mass, group, Mr Thing (was: RE: loi'e = loi ?

On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 06:47:00PM -0000, And Rosta wrote:
> Jordan:
> > Btw, this sudden LAhE fetish scares me.  The frequency with which
> > you change your gadri preferences is astounding.  
> It's a thorny problem. Not only does one have to sort out the
> necessary range of gadri meanings, one also has to work out
> which to use when, and then try to somehow match it against the
> official cmavo.
> > Also, I don't know what lau'a is supposed to mean 
> lau'i broda = da poi klesi lo'i broda
> "(There is) a set of broda"

Why can't you say something like lo klesi be lo'i broda, which works
fine for the rest of us?

I think I *really* misunderstood your stuff about zip shortings.

> lau'a : lau'i :: le : le'i 
> Essentially, lau'V gadri or macrogadri would correspond to 
> English indefinite plurals (= su'olau'i, za'ulau'i, lu'oilau'i) 
> and mass singulars (= lu'olau'i).

I though loi did that.

> Some men jointly carried the piano:
> lu'oilau'i nanmu cu bevri lu'aile'i pipno


Jordan DeLong - fracture@hidden.email
lu zo'o loi censa bakni cu terzba le zaltapla poi xagrai li'u
                                     sei la mark. tuen. cusku

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