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On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 03:44:26PM -0500, John Cowan wrote: > Jordan DeLong scripsit: > > [1] In cases where individuals don't really make sense for a > > particular thing, such as water/sand/etc, the brivla are defined > > so that individual references actually reference masses already (le > > djacu is a mass, and lei djacu is a mass of masses), which keeps > > individuals more fundamental. > > Au contraire: le djacu is a *quantity*, an *individual*, of water, in the > same sense that we say "Give me two waters" for glasses, or bottles, or > jugs, or test tubes full of water. The whole point is that Lojban doesn't > make brivla-specific distinctions between "mass nouns" and "count nouns"; > everything is a count noun with lV and a mass noun with lVi. There are > exceptions, like le gunma, where the individual is itself a mass. A "quantity of water" is what a mass is in english. "lei djacu" is a mass of quantities of water. Or a mass of masses. However, as someone (and or nick or xorxes?) was saying, lojban masses aren't quite the same as it is in english, so calling it a "mass of masses" is mixing terminology (it's two different senses of the word "mass"). So; the brivla are defined so that they lojbanic individuals corrrespond to english-style masses is what I ought to have said. -- Jordan DeLong - fracture@hidden.email lu zo'o loi censa bakni cu terzba le zaltapla poi xagrai li'u sei la mark. tuen. cusku
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