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Re: [engelang] Xorban: Termsets

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 10:58 AM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:
> 2. All connectives are essentially abbreviations of an extensionally-defined set defined by explicit listing of members in combination with quantification over members of the set (e.g. "or" = at least one (is true); "and" = each (is true)),

That works for symmetric connectives. For asymmetric ones such as
"if-then" we need an ordered pair, and very ad-hoc quantifiers such as
"if the first then the second of".

> and quantificational predicates don't form a naturally closed class. For termset coordination, what is required is a list of ordered n-tuples, plus quantificational predicates, plus method of expressing an open proposition (i.e. property/relation), plus predicate (ck-, iirc) relating the open proposition to what binds the unbound variables within the open proposition. The special bits of grammar required for this are:
> * method of listing -- doesn't exist yet
> * method of listing ordered n-tuples -- doesn't exist yet (we had a method for ordered pairs, but not n-tuples).
> * method of expressing open proposition -- we have this, but I can't remember now how we did it; at any rate, it's the method for doing "who loves who", either something like "la fa xi smi xu smu prmiku" or maybe "xiku prmiku".
> E.g. "Some-but-not-all of {<Alice, Alfie, anemones>, <Bertha, Bill, begonias>, <Chloe, Charlie, chrysanthemums>} are in-the-relationship who-gave-who-what"

We have a method of listing pairs (g-/jek-) and one of ordered pairs
(p-/je'ek-), that can be extended to n-tuples. We don't have the
quantifier some-but-not-all, but using "some" instead:

sa {jeka <je'eka ma lsi je'eka ma lfi nmna> jeka <je'eka ma brta
je'eka bli bgna> <je'eka ma klo je'eka ma tcrli krsntma>} le fe xikoku
smikoku dndikuko ckeka

co ma'a xrxe