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Re: [engelang] intensions & extensions (Xorban)

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:

=> [la'e dscrswrlda'e] li [lo smo] fi le je [ho] xkre [ho] mlte [la'a ho mslfa'a] [ho] vska'ake [la'a ha'e mslfa'a] [ha'e] snva'aki

"In this world i.e. the world in which this discourse takes place, I in this world do some dreaming in this world of another world in which I in that world do some seeing in that world of a black in that world cat in that world."

And yes, that's precisely what I'd prefer "li fi le je xkre mlte vska'ake snva'aki" to mean and nothing else, except that the sentence-level world is pragmatically determined as mentioned earlier. 

Sorry, not exactly precisely, because "another world" is not the right translation.  The world in which the dreamt takes place should be described as simply "some world", leaving open the possibility that the dreamt world and the dreaming world happen to be the same.
I think the rules in summary are:

hW B R P => B R hW P
hW N F => N hW F
hW J F1 F2 => J hW F1 hW F2
BV RV P[hW]V => BV hW RV PV (definition of P)

It's worth mentioning too

hW P[h^]V => hW P[hW]V