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Re: [ceqli] Re: New Story

On 7/28/07, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> > Or you could try blogging
> > in Ceqli?
> Good thought!  But it brings up the question, how do you say "blog"
> in Ceqli?  I could just borrow it direct, as "bloq," subbing q for
> g.  BTW, I realized recently that I could borrow Japanese words like
> 'tamago' into Ceqli, as the intervocalic Japanese 'g' is pronounced
> 'q,'  So why not generalize it, as a last resort, and when all else
> fails, I could borrow roots that fit except for a 'g' in the middle,
> by converting it to 'q'.

I like the phonological idea of changing intervocalic
/g/ to /N/ in borrowed words.  But why not try making
a compound?  Something like "public journal"?
(I can't find words for "open" or "public", or for "secret",
in your glossary.)

> So I could start up 'to ceqlizo bloq'.  Maybe I could post a
> translated cartoon daily and everybody could have fun translating it
> back into English.  Would that work on THIS board?  I'll try
> attaching one.

"Sure, it's Heaven, but I miss coffee breaks."

Yes, keep doing it -- as often as you feel like it.
Don't feel pressure to do it so often it becomes a

And you would probably get more people interested
if you post it on a blog than in a subscription mailing

Jim Henry