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go pipa za tor bura stori. zi fey tari da ci: http://ceqli.pbwiki.com/STORI-HU-HRANMAZO
It's good to see you writing more in Ceqli. I note that although you've moved the story to http://ceqli.pbwiki.com/STORI+HU+SRANMAZO and changed "hranmazo" to "sranmazo" in most places, you still have the form "hranmazo" in the line
goda tsil ke hranmazo kay han zi tri fu zbanho
What about the other stories - Kinharzo, the Tower of Babel, and whatever else you had? Have you taken them down because they don't reflect the current state of the language, or just not gotten around to moving them to the new site yet? -- Jim Henry http://www.pobox.com/~jimhenry