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Re: New Story

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Jim Henry" <jimhenry1973@...> wrote:
> > go pipa za tor bura stori.  zi fey tari da ci:
> >
> >
> > http://ceqli.pbwiki.com/STORI-HU-HRANMAZO
> It's good to see you writing more in Ceqli.
> I note that although you've moved the story to
> http://ceqli.pbwiki.com/STORI+HU+SRANMAZO
> and changed "hranmazo" to "sranmazo" in most
> places, you still have the form "hranmazo" in the line
> > goda tsil ke hranmazo kay han zi tri fu zbanho

Fixed it. Thanks!
> What about the other stories - Kinharzo, the Tower of Babel,
> and whatever else you had?  Have you taken them down because
> they don't reflect the current state of the language, or just not
> gotten around to moving them to the new site yet?

It struck me recently that I was going about this in an awkward way.  Trying to write 
original material in Ceqli is inhibiting, because I need my writing brain and my Ceqli brain 
both on at once.

Contrariwise, trying to translate a text is inhibiting in another way ? I can't stand not 
getting it exactly right, and I find myself deconstructing the original as to its deep 
meaning, and that slows me down.

Anyhow, retelling a story like I'm doing here seems to get me past both those problems.  I 
go directly from the meaning in my head to the writing, as opposed to figuring out what 
the original means first.  It works better for me, anyway.  I think I'll slowly keep doing the 
Ranma story till I'm feeling fluent.