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On 7/25/07, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote: > --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Jim Henry" <jimhenry1973@...> wrote: > It struck me recently that I was going about this in an awkward way. Trying to write > original material in Ceqli is inhibiting, because I need my writing brain and my Ceqli brain > both on at once. > > Contrariwise, trying to translate a text is inhibiting in another way — I can't stand not .... > Anyhow, retelling a story like I'm doing here seems to get me past both those problems. I > go directly from the meaning in my head to the writing, as opposed to figuring out what That sounds like a good plan. Another good way might be to work from fables or fairy-tales which exist in many variants and of which you can fabulate your own native-Ceqli version without feeling like you have to translate, strictly speaking, a specific text. Something I've found useful is writing my journal in my conlang gjâ-zym-byn -- much easier than writing original stories or translating texts. That woudn't be for public consumption, I reckon, but it would help you become fluent in the language so you can write other things more easily... Or you could try blogging in Ceqli? -- Jim Henry http://www.pobox.com/~jimhenry